24 publish maps
Uncomment the following line to install geemap if needed.
In [ ]:
# !pip install geemap
# !pip install geemap
To follow this tutorial, you will need to sign up for an account with https://datapane.com, then install and authenticate the datapane
Python package. More information can be found here.
pip install datapane
datapane login
datapane ping
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import ee
import geemap.foliumap as geemap
import ee
import geemap.foliumap as geemap
In [ ]:
# Create a map centered at (lat, lon).
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
# Use an elevation dataset and terrain functions to create
# a custom visualization of topography.
# Load a global elevation image.
elev = ee.Image("USGS/GMTED2010")
# Zoom to an area of interest.
Map.setCenter(-121.069, 50.709, 6)
# Add the elevation to the map.
Map.addLayer(elev, {}, "elev")
# Use the terrain algorithms to compute a hillshade with 8-bit values.
shade = ee.Terrain.hillshade(elev)
Map.addLayer(shade, {}, "hillshade", False)
# Create a "sea" variable to be used for cartographic purposes
sea = elev.lte(0)
Map.addLayer(sea.mask(sea), {"palette": "000022"}, "sea", False)
# Create a custom elevation palette from hex strings.
elevationPalette = ["006600", "002200", "fff700", "ab7634", "c4d0ff", "ffffff"]
# Use these visualization parameters, customized by location.
visParams = {"min": 1, "max": 3000, "palette": elevationPalette}
# Create a mosaic of the sea and the elevation data
visualized = ee.ImageCollection(
# Mask the elevation to get only land
# Use the sea mask directly to display sea.
sea.mask(sea).visualize(**{"palette": "000022"}),
# Note that the visualization image doesn't require visualization parameters.
Map.addLayer(visualized, {}, "elev palette", False)
# Convert the visualized elevation to HSV, first converting to [0, 1] data.
hsv = visualized.divide(255).rgbToHsv()
# Select only the hue and saturation bands.
hs = hsv.select(0, 1)
# Convert the hillshade to [0, 1] data, as expected by the HSV algorithm.
v = shade.divide(255)
# Create a visualization image by converting back to RGB from HSV.
# Note the cast to byte in order to export the image correctly.
rgb = hs.addBands(v).hsvToRgb().multiply(255).byte()
Map.addLayer(rgb, {}, "styled")
states = ee.FeatureCollection("TIGER/2018/States")
Map.addLayer(ee.Image().paint(states, 0, 2), {}, "US States")
# Create a map centered at (lat, lon).
Map = geemap.Map(center=[40, -100], zoom=4)
# Use an elevation dataset and terrain functions to create
# a custom visualization of topography.
# Load a global elevation image.
elev = ee.Image("USGS/GMTED2010")
# Zoom to an area of interest.
Map.setCenter(-121.069, 50.709, 6)
# Add the elevation to the map.
Map.addLayer(elev, {}, "elev")
# Use the terrain algorithms to compute a hillshade with 8-bit values.
shade = ee.Terrain.hillshade(elev)
Map.addLayer(shade, {}, "hillshade", False)
# Create a "sea" variable to be used for cartographic purposes
sea = elev.lte(0)
Map.addLayer(sea.mask(sea), {"palette": "000022"}, "sea", False)
# Create a custom elevation palette from hex strings.
elevationPalette = ["006600", "002200", "fff700", "ab7634", "c4d0ff", "ffffff"]
# Use these visualization parameters, customized by location.
visParams = {"min": 1, "max": 3000, "palette": elevationPalette}
# Create a mosaic of the sea and the elevation data
visualized = ee.ImageCollection(
# Mask the elevation to get only land
# Use the sea mask directly to display sea.
sea.mask(sea).visualize(**{"palette": "000022"}),
# Note that the visualization image doesn't require visualization parameters.
Map.addLayer(visualized, {}, "elev palette", False)
# Convert the visualized elevation to HSV, first converting to [0, 1] data.
hsv = visualized.divide(255).rgbToHsv()
# Select only the hue and saturation bands.
hs = hsv.select(0, 1)
# Convert the hillshade to [0, 1] data, as expected by the HSV algorithm.
v = shade.divide(255)
# Create a visualization image by converting back to RGB from HSV.
# Note the cast to byte in order to export the image correctly.
rgb = hs.addBands(v).hsvToRgb().multiply(255).byte()
Map.addLayer(rgb, {}, "styled")
states = ee.FeatureCollection("TIGER/2018/States")
Map.addLayer(ee.Image().paint(states, 0, 2), {}, "US States")
In [ ]:
# Display the map.
# Display the map.
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name="Terrain Visualization",
description="A folium map with Earth Engine data layers",
name="Terrain Visualization",
description="A folium map with Earth Engine data layers",